10 of the Most Ignorant Stacey Dash Quotes of All-Time

Publish date: 2024-04-17

Stacey Dash

You might remember her from the early 90s when she was Cher’s best friend, Dionne. No, not that Cher or that Dionne. They were the girls from the hit movie “Clueless,” and Stacey Dash seemed to be someone to watch. Beautiful, hilarious in her role and someone who seemed so intelligent and so put together, the world knew she would be someone big someday. While she’s been able to make a few good movies, star in a few television shows and make herself available anytime something opens up in Hollywood that might make her more famous, she’s not a household name to everyone.

In fact, she’s more famous today for her outrageous quotes and her beliefs. Listen, we love that she’s outspoken, that she has an opinion and that she is not afraid of saying what she thinks or discussing how she feels. I mean, the world is free and everyone is entitled to an opinion. I admire anyone willing to stand up for what they believe in knowing that it might result in some serious controversy. She’s someone to admire, even if you don’t like what she has to say. Sure, she’s outrageous and sometimes she proves to the world that she can be a bit ignorant with her beliefs. However, we like a silver lining and we like to focus less on what she says and more on the fact that she still has the actual desire to stand up and say it.

That said, a lot of what Stacey Dash has to say is ignorant; and we have proof of that right here.

“Why do I have to suffer because you can’t decide what you wanna be that day?”

This is on the heels of the many different laws and bills focusing on the use of bathrooms by the transgender community. It was not received very well by most people. She clearly doesn’t understand the mentality behind this, and she is entitled to her own opinion. However, this opinion is one she might have done better keeping to herself or sharing with her close friends and family.

“OK, then go in the bushes”

Stacey Dash said this about transgender people using public bathrooms based on how they identify as a human. Her point is that she is not comfortable with the idea of men in the ladies room with her kids and with her, and that she is not willing to give up what she believes or feels to accommodate what someone else feels and believes.

“We have to get rid of channels like BET and the BET Awards and the Image Awards where you’re only awarded if you’re black,”

This after no black actors or actresses were nominated in any of the major categories in the 2016 Oscars; I’m going to play devil’s advocate here and agree. Why are we hosting shows that award people solely based on the color of their skin in the first place? No matter what color you are, why not just award the best of the best in any way, shape or form regardless of what color your skin happens to be?

“God does everything for a reason, Paula Deen. Only God can judge your heart. BTW, my daughter loves your show,”

We all love Paula Deen; and there is no part of me that feels as if she is perfect. She made a mistake, she owned up to it and we need to forgive her. I’m not perfect and sometimes I say things in anger that I wish I hadn’t said. We all know she probably regrets these words, and we need to move on.

“Shame on you, Oprah,”

This is what Stacey Dash had to say about the shooting death of Trayvon Martin. She compared it to the 1955 death of Emmett Till. Stacey Dash did not agree with Oprah, apparently.

“I felt like Obama could give a shit, excuse me, like he could care less,”

She said this on the air and was suspended for two weeks for her opinion. She said this about his feelings on terrorism and what is going on in the world. I get why she was suspended for that use of language and that blatant disrespect, but she’s not ignorant on this one.

“I didn’t get the memo that I didn’t have any rights,”

This is what Stacey Dash had to say about Patricia Arquette’s speech about gender pay equality at the Oscars in 2015. Apparently she did not get the memo that women make pennies on the dollar compared to men. Huh.

“Minorities feel worthless. They’re uneducated. I mean, as long as you are that way, Democrats can keep you under their control”

Listen, I’m a Republican and I pay more in taxes every year than I can even stomach without feeling like I want to vomit and I detest Obamacare. My insurance was great and it was affordable for me before Obamacare took over, and now it’s increased more than triple in price and offers me less than half the coverage. However, it’s not fair to say that all minorities are uneducated or insinuate that all non-minorities are not. Some people are uneducated. Some people are not uneducated; the color of their skin plays no part in that.

“Be a better negotiator,”

When Stacey Dash was finally made aware of the fact that most women don’t earn what men earn in the same positions, she decided there was no issue. Apparently, women simply are not better negotiators than men; do it better, get more money. Right.

“Do you care that the Jay Z’s have taken the capital you have given them and funded a communist oppressive regime?”

Sure, these two are in the news more often than not these days for their alleged marital issues and Beyonce’s newest visual album, but strangely enough that is not what this comment is about. Stacey Dash is referring to the fact that the couple took a trip to Cuba to celebrate their anniversary in 2013. I mean, vacation is vacation, right?
