Did Henry Cavill break up with Kaley Cuoco because hes flaky with women?

Publish date: 2024-05-17

Henry Cavill and Kaley Cuoco announced their breakup one week ago. Considering they only got together a few weeks before that, there really isn’t that much post-breakup analysis to go through. I mean, they hit it and quit it. They posed for photos at one point. No one is pretending that this was love, thankfully. But that hasn’t stopped Star from painting an unflattering portrait of Henry Cavill as some kind of cavalier, lothario/heartbreaker. Ridiculous.

One source tells Star Magazine that the romance “just fizzled out” but Star can report that Henry’s playboy past and Kaley’s costar, Johnny Galecki, contributed to the split.

“Henry’s a ladies’ man,” dishes an insider. “And even though Kaley and Johnny broke up three years ago, they’ve remained really close pals. Johnny was worried for her and thought Henry wasn’t being genuine.”

Henry was engaged to champion horse jumper Ellen Whitaker before jumping into the arms of Gina Carano. And after he crossed paths with Kaley this spring, he quickly ditched Gina to pursue Kaley.

“That’s how Henry works… he gets invested in a girl but drops her when another stunning woman shows interest.”

Johnny’s concerns didn’t take long to hit home for Kaley. “He thought Henry was using her for publicity,” states the pal. “She’s looking for the real deal but keeps picking the wrong guy.”

[From Star Magazine, print edition]

Huh, it sounds like Johnny Galecki had Henry’s number from the beginning. And it sounds like Johnny was dead-right. Henry was looking for a quick hit of publicity, and he wanted to introduce himself more widely to American audiences who had just embraced him as Superman. And it didn’t work out because everybody was much too obvious about it. It was like a Tom Cruise date… everything was awkward, there were too many extra people hanging around, and no one’s buying it anyway. But you know what really strikes me as TRUTH here? The idea that Henry just jumps from girl to girl. Like, he’s kind of flaky. Is that who he really is now? He’s the flaky dude. Sounds about right.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.
