How tall is Jane Seymour

Publish date: 2024-05-28
English actress best known for starring in tv series Dr Quinn, Medicine Woman. In film she has appeared in Live and Let Die, Sinbad & The Eye of the Tiger and Somewhere in Time. On her official website she says: "Also, I'm only five feet four, and my leading men all tend to be much taller", although was quoted once saying "I was 5ft 3in and 8st". In CloserWeekly it mentioned her weight, "noting that she hovers around 115 pounds [8st 3lbs]"How tall is Jane SeymourPhoto by PR Photos
How tall is Jane SeymourChevy Chase & Jane (2.5" heels)
Photo by kathclick/ To my horror, one day I picked up a trade magazine in which they had an advertizement for her: 'Looking for a girl to star opposite Christopher Reeve in a romantic film, Somewhere in Time. Must be over five-foot-five. Anyone under five-foot-five need not apply.' I'm five-foot-four. I thought: I'll be damned if it is going to be an inch that stops me.
-- Starlog Magazine Issue 40
