How to complete The Final Repository quest

Publish date: 2024-05-16

With a new set of characters, Hogwarts Legacy players face challenges throughout their wizarding journey, leading to the Final Repository main mission. Players can initiate this penultimate mission by heading to the map chamber at Hogwarts.

Players must meet with Professor Fig in the map chambers. After speaking with him, one can head to the Keepers Caverns to progress the quest. There are many enemies in this mission, and it is recommended to start this quest after reaching level 24. The protagonist has to reach the repository before Ranrok.

Note: This article contains spoilers for the game.

Facing Ranrok and completing The Final Repository in Hogwarts Legacy easily

Hogwarts Legacy pits you against Ranrok in this main mission. You must accompany Professor Fig and get to the repository. You won't be alone as Ranrok’s fellow goblins try to break through the cavern. Thus, a quest ensues to defeat the goblins and thwart Ranrok’s advances.

Objective: To defeat Ranrok and his allies to keep the repository safe.

Quest Description: Ranrok is determined to wield ancient magic, and since the goblins have built this massive repository, he believes he is the rightful owner. Goblin loyalists put up a tough fight, and you must defeat them all to face Ranrok.

Rewards: The Hero of Hogwarts Achievement/ Trophy and 260 experience (XP).

Professor Fig moves this drill to clear the path (Image via WB Games)

As you walk deeper into the cavern, you will witness a large drill and a bunch of goblins beside it. Defeat them, and Professor Rig will move the drill away since it blocks the path ahead. Continue heading straight until you reach a large area where two trolls come barging in by breaking the rocks on either side of the location. You will also be swarmed by some goblins.

After breaking through a shiny wall in this area and progressing further into the cavern, you will meet more enemies. Defeating them will lead you to a vast open spot where a cutscene begins. The goblins successfully disable the defensive charms of the castle.

Professors fend off the goblins (Image via WB Games)

All professors of Hogwarts Legacy (except Professor Garlick) join the fight in this cutscene to defeat them. They will help clear your way to the repository, so you must continue walking as they dispel the enemies. Eventually, you will be cornered by more goblins and trolls. Keep fighting them until another cutscene is triggered.

Professor Sharp defeats the Fighter Troll, who hits a huge rock pillar. This pillar crumbles from its base and falls on you. Professor Matilda casts a spell to save you from being crushed. She then levitates the pillar to fill the gap between the two cliffs. Professor Fig and the protagonist cross the gap using this bridge.

Knights are influenced by the Keepers' Wand (Image via WB Games)

As part of the same cutscene, you and Professor Fig reach the majestic entrance of the repository guarded by two large Knight statues. They approach with ill intentions, but the protagonist flashes the Keepers’ wand. This influences them to put down their swords and leads to the opening of the Repository doors.

While speaking with Professor Fig in the Repository, selecting either of the following dialog options will determine the ending in Hogwarts Legacy:

This dialog option determines the type of ending (Image via WB Games)

The quest isn’t complete yet, and Ranrok arrives to fight you. He transforms into a dragon thanks to the power of the Repository. The battle occurs in multiple phases, and you won’t be able to deplete his health directly as magical orbs surround Ranrok in all phases of the battle.

Each orb corresponds to the type of magical spells in your arsenal. For example, if Ranrok has a purple orb floating beside him, cast purple magic (force spell) like Accio. To destroy yellow orbs, use control spells, and for the red ones, resort to damage spells.

Destroy these orbs to make Ranrok vulnerable to spell damage (Image via WB Games)

The number of orbs increases in each phase of the battle. Initially, you will have to destroy one orb, two in the second, and so on. Destroying them makes Ranrok vulnerable to damage from your spells. The best strategy is to dodge his attacks and then cast damage spells.

In the final phase, Ranrok lands on the ground to fight you. His attacks include a continuous firestream, a small fireball, and a charged blast. Dodge them all and destroy the colorful orbs first. His health bar will reappear at the top of your screen when he is vulnerable to damage from spells.

Ranrok fights on the ground in the final phase (Image via WB Games)

Use any spell of your choice to deplete the final portion of his health. You will defeat Ranrok, and Professor Fig appears to help seal the ancient magic. Despite his successful endeavor, he dies in the end. This concludes the Final Repository main mission in Hogwarts Legacy.

Hogwarts Legacy is now on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X, and PC, receiving positive reviews from critics. Hogwarts Legacy features a character creator and gives players access to various clothing items.

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