How to find Ultralight Tomestones in Final Fantasy XIV

Publish date: 2024-05-03

Players can obtain Ultralight Tomestones to increase their character's strength in Final Fantasy XIV.

Some of the best gear and weapons in the game are locked until players spend Ultralight Tomestones. It is essential to gather them as quickly as possible to get top-tier equipment.

Ultralight Tomestones are a rare form of currency that can only be found in a couple of locations. Players will need to travel to Radz-at-Han or Labyrinthos to get their hands on them.

Players can acquire Ultralight Tomestones from two vendors in Final Fantasy XIV

Players can obtain Ultralight Tomestones through an item exchange with vendors (Image via Square Enix)

Two vendors can provide Ultralight Tomestones to players in Final Fantasy XIV.

Even though Ultralight Tomestones are a form of currency, another currency is required to obtain them. Thankfully, both vendors take the same items in exchange for Ultralight Tomestones.

Here are the vendors and their locations:

After reaching one of the above vendors, Final Fantasy XIV players will need to go to the bottom of their wares page. They should then select Unsung Relics of Abyssos to find the listing for Ultralight Tomestones.

Players will need to exchange seven Unsung Blades of Abyssos for a set of Ultralight Tomestones. These can be earned by completing the Pandaemonium Abyssos dungeon raids.

Tips for beating a Pandaemonium Abyssos raid

Pandaemonum Abyssos dungeons will be a tough challenge for Final Fantasy XIV players (Image via Square Enix)

Obtaining Ultralight Tomestones requires several lengthy trips through the Pandaemonium Abyssos dungeons. These can be unlocked in Labyrinthos by speaking to Claudien and then completing the An Unwelcome Visitor quest.

A gear level of at least 585 is required to enter the Pandaemonium Abyssos dungeon raids. Players are highly recommended to take these raids on with a strong party rather than attempting them solo.

Here are some tips on completing a Pandaemonium Abyssos raid:

With so many different playstyles in Final Fantasy XIV, Pandaemonium Abyssos raids truly come down to teamwork. An uncoordinated squad will have a hard time making it past the first couple of bosses.

With a mighty team in place, however, players should be able to patiently fight through the difficult dungeons. Several Unsung Blades of Abyssos should be gathered during the raids, which can then be turned into Ultralight Tomestones.

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