Shermane Billingsley, kept alive the memory of her fathers fabled New York nightspot the Stork Cl

Publish date: 2024-06-04

Shermane Billingsley, who has died aged 78, spent more than half a century preserving memories of the Stork Club, the New York night spot run by her father which became a favourite haunt of film stars during Hollywood’s golden age.

Elizabeth Taylor, on four of her honeymoons, dazzled at the city’s most glamorous watering-hole, as did European royalty, including the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, and Prince Rainier of Monaco and his film star wife Grace Kelly.

At least four American presidents visited, John F Kennedy, Lyndon B Johnson and Richard Nixon, preceded by a young Ronald Reagan, who romanced Jane Wyman at the Stork.

Senators on the spree mingled there, and Joe DiMaggio dallied with Marilyn Monroe. When the actor Victor Mature married Martha Stephenson, the second of his five wives, on the premises in 1941, Shermane Billingsley’s father Sherman doubled as best man.

Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall have eyes only for each other as they spend an evening in the Cub Room of Sherman Billingsley's Stork Club in 1949 Credit: Bettmann

Sherman Billingsley, a teetotal former bootlegger, opened the Stork Club as a speakeasy in 1929 at the height of the Prohibition era. It thrived throughout the Depression and Second World War before falling victim to a prolonged strike by the restaurant workers’ union, the coming of the television age and the dawn of the permissive society: it finally shut its doors in 1965.

“I was there when the Stork Club closed,” Shermane Billingsley told The New York Times. “Everyone said it was the unions that caused its demise. But it was James Dean. It was black boots and jeans. It was the arrival of the new world.”

The syndicated newspaper columnist Walter Winchell was a dedicated patron of the Stork Club: here he is pictured at Paramount Studios with Claudette Colbert, star of the ‘talkies’, in 1933 Credit: bettmann

For years the club’s most important customer was the gossip columnist Walter Winchell, assigned a permanent command post at Table 50 in the Cub Room, from where he ran a network of informants, sifting their tips and titbits before relaying the result to 50 million Americans who read his syndicated column every day or listened to his nationally networked radio show.

In its heyday the Stork was “New York’s New Yorkiest place”, as Winchell put it. Throughout the 1930s and 1940s it was where Winchell helped to fashion the modern culture of celebrity: as the undisputed king of keyhole journalism he created the tabloid obsession with the “right to know” details of someone’s private life.

Walter Winchell, J Edgar Hoover and Al Jolson at the Stork Club, 1938 Credit: Bettmann

Not everyone was welcome. Among the glitterati barred from the Stork over the years were Humphrey Bogart, the comic actors Milton Berle and Jackie Gleason (all for being drunk), and Frank Sinatra – because of “the people he brings with him”. In its early days the club had links to the Mob.

The youngest of three sisters, Shermane Joy Billingsley was born in Manhattan on October 9 1944. Her father, certain that his third child would be a boy, had already filled out the birth certificate during his wife’s labour and had to alter the name from Sherman John.

Sherman Billingsley, owner of the Manhattan-based nightspot, the Stork Club, 1950 Credit: CBS via Getty Images

When Shermane was barely two, the Broadway gossip columnist Dorothy Kilgallen reported that she was bedridden with a fever of 104. Less than a year later, Winchell reported that Shermane had vampishly told another inquiring columnist: “I will break your heart someday with my big blue eyes!”

She attended the all-girls Spence School and was enrolled by her father in Finch College nearer home, to prevent her from straying like her “wayward” sisters.

Shermane grew up in the club, appearing with her father on the weekly Stork Club Show on television, and took her place at her family’s reserved table. When the club tanked in the mid-1960s, she left college to save her father money and married a former US Navy officer turned investment advisor, Craig Drill.

Frank Sinatra entertaining his family at the Stork Club, 1947 Credit: bettmann

Following her father’s death in 1966, Shermane found notes he had made for his autobiography and shared them with The New York Times, hoping to revive interest in his life. Sex was the spur. “I have seen mothers steal their daughters’ boyfriends and marry them,” Sherman Billingsley had written. “I have seen girls steal their sisters’ boyfriends and marry them. I know one father that was familiar with his son’s wife. These were all high-society folks.”

He was known to send cases of wine and $5,000 gallon bottles of perfume to the famous and glamorous. Even “nobodies” who came to gawp at the celebrities left with something, such as a lipstick or an ashtray bearing the club’s logo. More than two million bought or pilfered over the years became sought-after souvenirs.

Sherman closing up for the night Credit: Bettmann

But Billingsley himself was in no doubt about what kept the customers coming: “Pretty girls and women are about the biggest attraction you can have to make a nightclub successful, and they do not have to be rich or social, just pretty and beautiful.”

He recalled the night Ernest Hemingway floored the warden of Sing Sing prison in the Cub Room. Not that this worried the Stork’s press agent: “One fight a year is good publicity, providing the fighters are big names.” On another occasion Hemingway tried to pay his bar tab with a $100,000 film royalty cheque. He was told to wait until closing, when Sherman Billingsley cashed it with the night’s receipts.

He also related how during the Depression a customer tipped a doorman $1,000 and asked whether that was the biggest tip he had ever received. “The doorman said no, I received a $2,000 tip about a year ago. The customer asked who gave it to him. The doorman said you gave it to me,” Billingsley wrote.

Sherman Billingsley greeting actress and model Jinx Falkenburg with a gift bottle of perfume as she enters the club, 1941 Credit: George Karger/Getty Images

Shermane passed her father’s recollections to Ralph Blumenthal, the author of Stork Club: America’s Most Famous Nightspot and the Lost World of Café Society (2000). The mirror above the bar, he noted, allowed the image-conscious patrons “to admire themselves and one another under softly flattering lights – the ultimate entertainment at the Stork Club.”

Shermane Billingsley’s first marriage ended in divorce, and her second husband Timothy Wheeler died in 2007. Two sons from her first marriage survive her.

Shermane Billingsley, born October 9 1944, died April 16 2023
