Six of My Favorite Underrated Attractions

Publish date: 2024-04-25

Walt Disney World is well known for its famous and classic attractions, but sometimes that means Guests will pass by some of the lesser known attractions on the way to the big headliners. While you may not have time to visit every attraction in the parks, if you find yourself with some extra time on your hands, these are definitely worth a visit.

The Aquarium at the Seas with Nemo & Friends

Nemo may seemingly be the star of the show at this Epcot pavilion, yet many new Guests don’t realize that there’s much more to this pavilion than the ride-through attraction. No, the real stars are the aquatic animals that reside in the main aquarium; one of the largest in the world. While you may be tempted to exit straight through the gift shop and back out to Future World, you should instead take the escalator leading to the second floor and marvel at the sea life that surrounds you as you venture into the viewing area. You’ll see fish of all sorts, a few sharks, and even a sea turtle or two. You’ll even find a pair of manatees off in their own pool, happily cavorting among the leaves of chewed up lettuce. There is much to see and explore at the Seas pavilion, and if you’re still all about Nemo, you can even find the real life counterparts of him and Dory in the smaller aquariums. This is also a great place for kids to explore…you’ll find some imaginative “under the sea” play areas…as well as a few Kidcot-style interactive stops where your kids (and you) can learn more about our underwater cousins. (But we still miss the Hydrolators!)

Maharajah Jungle Trek

With the opening of Pandora, Disney’s Animal Kingdom has truly become a park to be enjoyed day and night. Along with other headliner attractions like Expedition Everest and Kali River Rapids, there’s a lot to do in Disney’s newest park. But tucked away amongst the animals and foliage are quite a few hidden gems, and our favorite is the Maharajah Jungle Trek. This walk-through outdoor exhibit takes you to the exotic world of Asia, and along the way you’ll see tigers, bats, and even a Komodo dragon. But it’s the tranquility that’s the real draw here; you can take your time and stroll through at your leisure, and even rest on a bench by a beautiful jade fountain. The theming throughout the trails is incredible, and there are lots of surprises waiting to be discovered. And there’s no better way to pass the time if you happen to be waiting for your FastPass+ time to arrive for the nearby Expedition Everest.

Living with the Land

This attraction was once quite popular and was, in fact, at one time one of the most popular attractions in Epcot, with wait times typically well over 45 minutes. But as Test Track and Soarin’ opened, Guests started to migrate away from Living with the Land in favor of its larger cousins. Today, that means you’ll often find little or no wait for this attraction (except on the busiest days). But don’t let the lack of line fool you; this is a wonderful attraction, and along with the aquarium at the Seas pavilion, perfectly embodies the original concept for Epcot. Fans of Living of the Land have their own favorite scenes…and there are lots to choose from. Some enjoy the cool mist of the waterfalls throughout the rainforest segment, while others can’t resist the charm of the prairie dogs as they pop their heads in and out of their burrow holes in the dessert. Then of course there’s the tranquil setting of the farmhouse where goats bleat in the distance. (By the way, take a close look at the mailbox to find a very significant address number!). Then there’s the greenhouse itself, and it’s always full of surprises. Hidden Mickeys abound…some freshly planted (look in the lettuce beds), and some that have been around forever (keep an eye out for those test tubes in the science lab). Living With the Land is relaxing, educational, and bursting with all of those classic details that Disney is so good at. I just keep wondering how much lemonade that Nine Pound Lemon can make!!

“it’s a small world”/Walt Disney’s Enchanted Tiki Room/Carousel of Progress

I’m going to combine these three entries into one because they’re all on the list for the same reason. Many is the Guest (and occasional guide book) who dismisses these three attractions as “corny” and “outdated.” And thusly misinformed, the first-time visitor quickly crosses them off their to-do list. But all these attractions also share something in common; they all have strong connections to Walt Disney. They were all near and dear to Walt’s heart, and if there are any attractions that typify that true Disney ideal, it would be these three. Sure, they may be idealistic, and some say a bit naive in their central message, but that’s the true magic of Disney – to be able to be naive and to let yourself believe that we can live in world filled with peace, dreams, innovation, and good old-fashioned fun. So, if you routinely pass over these attractions in favor of big thrills, do yourself a favor and go check them out with a new frame of mind. You just may find your eyes opened up to a whole new world, and for a moment – even a brief one – you can get back in touch with that innocent child that lives in each one of us.

And that’s the true magic of Disney.

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