Slim 400 net worth: Rapper's fortune explored

Publish date: 2024-04-28

According to a report from TMZ, rapper Slim 400 was shot to death in Inglewood, California, on Wednesday, December 8 2021. The late 33-year-old rapper was previously shot nine times in 2019. At the time, the rapper claimed he was ambushed near Compton while on the way to visit his family.

The news of Slim 400 being shot was shared by close friend Mud Dolla Mayor. On Thursday, Mayor tweeted, addressing Slim and wishing him good luck in his recovery. He wrote,

“Pull thru not tryna hear the Bs I’m hear’n pray for @slim400blk.”

After surviving his ordeal of being shot nine times in 2019, Slim 400 shared his opinion on the incident in an interview with LA Radio. He said,

“I just feel like when you meant to be here and God have a plan for you, it ain’t no stoppin. I hit the ground thinking it was over. My family came out, kept me alive, talking to me, dragging me in the house while they still shooting …I just feel like I’m blessed just to be here ’cause I could have just died then and there.”

How much was Slim 400 worth?

Vincent Cohran, aka Slim 400, was reportedly worth around $2 million. The rapper was mainly known for his single, Bruisin, where he collaborated with YG and Sad Boy Loko. In 2008, he also joined Pushaz Ink Label, which was formed by popular artists like YG, Ty Dolla Sign, and DJ Mustard.

The rapper delved into fame with his appearance alongside longtime collaborator YG in a short film and soundtrack album titled Blame It On the Streets. Since his debut in 2008, Slim 400 had released several of his own projects independently as well. These projects included mixtapes like High Off Series and Keepin It 400.

In 2017, Slim 400 collaborated with an artist named Kidoe and dropped an album titled The Homies. He released For Reala a year later, followed by Tap In with Pacman Da Gunman.

After his association with Pushaz Ink Label, he then worked with Empire Distribution. Under the label, the artist had toured with big names like Big Sean, Yo Gotti, J. Cole, and many others.

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