The Lean Diet Plan Healthy Lifestyle Plan

Publish date: 2024-06-02

Developed by Kathy Freston, author of Veganist and Quantum Wellness, The Lean Diet is an incredible weight loss plan. The diet program has exclusively been crafted for all those dieters who are totally pissed with the problem of obesity. Many of you might have tried several weight loss programs, but might have ended up getting disappointed only.

The lean diet is thirty days diet program and there are no mandatory restrictions imposed on dieters by the diet program. You will move along-with the diet program and will gradually learn what foods you should eat. You will learn how to differentiate between healthy and unhealthy foods.

What is The Lean Diet Plan?

The lean diet plan is not just a weight loss plan which will tone your body; it also will inculcate healthy lifestyle habits in you. In thirty days, you will learn thirty new habits which will stay with you forever.

Unlike other weight loss programs which are boring and are difficult to adhere to, the lean diet program is full of vitality and excitement. You will come out from the diet program as a completely changed person because the diet program will bring out the best of you at all levels such as, physical, emotional and mental levels. You will shed one to three pounds of weight in a week.

Work Mechanism of The Lean Diet Plan

The lean diet plan is a very organized and systematic diet program. It won’t ask you to keep check on your carbs, proteins or fat consumption. You just have to stay vigilant that you don’t feed only trash to your body.

You indeed will get healthy suggestions which will tell you how you can conquer your cravings, and how you can lose weight without feeling guilty. There is nothing irritating like counting the number of calories in the diet program.

There would be step by step introduction of new foods in the diet program and you will gradually switch from animal, processed and sugary foods to nutrient dense plant based foods. These foods will boost your metabolism and will revitalize both your body and mind.

Workouts in The Lean Diet Plan

Dieters are advised to practice brisk walking for minimum thirty minutes in a day. You can also practice aerobics or other cardio workouts such as jogging, swimming etc. Your main objective of workouts should be to stay physically active. If you already are a physically active person and engage yourself in mopping, gardening or any other activity like that, you can skip exercises and can continue following physically active routine.

And if are one of those people who never practiced workouts in their lives but still want to abide by the diet program, you simply can walk for ten minutes after your lunch and dinner. Make sure that you don’t walk too fast after having your meals. Walking fast is appropriate before meals never after meals.

Benefits of The Lean Diet Plan 

The lean diet program is very realistic and practical to follow diet plan. You will get numerous benefits while going along with it; let’s have a look at some of them.

Sample Meal Plan

The diet plan insists on consumption of five small meals in a day. Let’s have a look at one of the sample meal plans of the lean diet.


You can have walnuts, oatmeal with chopped apples, whole-grain bread, tofu, flax seeds, soy milk etc. in your breakfast.

Morning Snack

You can have green smoothie, blueberries, avocados etc. in your morning snack.


You can have cold soba noodle salad with peanut dressing, chia seeds, pasta etc. in your lunch.

Afternoon Snack 

You can have cucumber, hummus with carrots etc. in your afternoon snack.


You can have brown rice, roasted asparagus, quinoa, steel cut oats, Brazilian black bean patties etc. in your dinner.
